If you have been looking for the right tooth replacement solution, the search is certainly over if you have settled for dental implants. Dental implants provide lasting service, enhance your appearance, prevent bone loss, and preserve your facial appearance. Like many dental procedures, you might want to prepare adequately for the treatment. Early preparation helps deal with anxiety and enhances the outcome of the treatment procedure. Follow the tips discussed below to help you prepare adequately for dental implant surgery.
1. Stay Informed
It would be best to build a meaningful relationship with your implant dentist. Once you have been cleared as a candidate for the implant, you might want to research and find more information about every step. Take your time to ask your dentist about all your concerns.
Dental implant surgery is a fairly invasive procedure that requires proper care. Your dentist will also take you through what to expect from the process. Generally, it takes a few steps to complete, including implant placement, abutment attachment, and fixing the crown. The specialist might recommend conducting a bone graft to improve your mandible's density and increase the implant's success rates.
2. Quit Smoking and Drinking Alcohol
As earlier highlighted, dental implant placement is an invasive procedure. Smoking inhibits sufficient oxygen flow to the oral cavity. It can affect your healing abilities and make you susceptible to gum diseases. Infections after implant placement can decrease the treatment's success rate. Once your dentist approves you for the surgery, you should stop smoking. Avoid alcohol and caffeine since they can affect the recovery process. Therefore, it is best to quit these habits before your surgery.
3. Schedule for Downtime
In the days leading up to the procedure, consider wrapping up loose ends at work. You'll also need to request a few sick-off days to allow you to rest. You'll need to rest for a few days after surgery to ensure quick healing. You might also want to take some time off from all physical activities and workouts. After the swelling and inflammation subside, you can resume normal activities. However, follow your dentist's instructions carefully to enhance the healing process.
4. Follow Your Pre-Operative Instructions
Your dentist will guide you on things to do before and after the procedure. They might prescribe antibiotics or immunosuppressants to prevent the immune system from attacking the implants. You might be advised to stop certain medications ahead of the surgery. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to avoid complications and improve your experience.
Following these tips can help you ensure a smooth implant procedure and improve the procedure's outcome. If you have any concerns, speak to your dentist for more information and clarification regarding dental implants.