Why A Tooth May Be Extracted

A dental extraction is used to remove a tooth from its socket in the mouth. The extraction can be simple or surgical. 

A simple extraction is performed when the entire crown of the tooth is exposed in the mouth, and the gums do not need to be cut during the extraction. A surgical extraction is used when the gingival tissue has to be cut during the tooth's removal. 

Here are a few reasons that a tooth may need to be extracted.

Extensive Decay

Dental decay takes place when the acids produced by oral bacteria dissolve the minerals that comprise the tooth enamel. As the enamel is demineralized, holes or cavities form. These cavities may become so large and deep that they breach the innermost layer of the tooth, which is called the pulp. 

Once the pulp becomes infected, it can cause the dental nerves, which are housed in the pulp, to become inflamed. The inflammation can damage the nerves irreparably, resulting in chronic discomfort. The damaged tooth can sometimes be salvaged with a root canal treatment that removes the infected pulp and dental nerves. However, an extraction can also be used to relieve the dental pain.

Wisdom Teeth

The wisdom teeth, which are the third molars in the mouth, are not necessary to chew your food properly. Additionally, they sometimes cause problems in the mouth.

Due to their position in the oral cavity, the wisdom teeth are difficult to clean, promoting the development of dental decay. Also, the teeth can grow in an irregular alignment, placing painful pressure on adjacent teeth. By extracting the wisdom teeth, the issues incited by their presence are remedied.

Full Dentures

When full dentures are prescribed, any remaining natural teeth are often extracted. Many denture patients require full dentures because of dental decay and periodontal disease. However, before the full denture is put in place, the remaining teeth are often removed. The removal process is fairly simple, and the gums usually heal quickly once the teeth are no longer in position. 

In preparation for dentures, the remaining teeth may be all extracted on the same day. If implant-supported dentures will be used, dental implants may be installed in strategic positions along the palate to support the new appliance. The implant-supported dentures include underlying mechanisms that attach to the implants.

To learn more about dental extractions and why they are performed, schedule a consultation with a dentist in your local area.
